Easter Resources

The road up to Jerusalem

There are plenty of great Easter ideas out there to help us explore Lent and Easter with children; in our communities and in our churches. I have pulled out a couple of good websites, books and ideas you might like to use. Even better, comment below with any great ideas you have.  Let’s share these ideas around and support each other. 

I will be putting up a couple of ideas each week so watch this space!

Easter in Israel: 

Have you received your free Easter book yet?  If not click here to send a request and download your copy today!  This book is suitable for Bible in Schools and SUPAkidz Clubs in Schools, as well as in churches.  Check out this link for more info.


Kidsfriendly.org.nz - Kids Friendly New Zealand’s website is packed full of great Lent and Easter ideas.  
http://www.40acts.org.uk/ - 40 days of giving back, doing good and living generously. This is a clever and creative website that is well worth more than a look.

http://www.biblesociety.org.au Free Easter animations produced by the Australian Bible Society. The Resurrection video is good for Bible in Schools and SUPAkidz leaders.   


Annette Osborne is one of the Auckland members of the Children and Families team. She is looking forward to Bible in Schools teaching again this year, and exploring the Easter story with children in the school context.



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