Octavius Hadfield: Book #9

The fourth book in The Chronicles of Paki Series Two is:
Octavius Hadfield: The friend of the Tangata Whenua.

Find out what happened when Octavius Hadfield overcame his ill health and headed south to Ōtaki. This programme works well for a holiday programme, afterschool club or your Church Children's Ministry programme. Choose the ideas that work for your children and for the time you have available.

Click here to download the Octavius Hadfield programme.

Here are some extra bits and pieces to go along with the programme:
(click on them to download)

Websites to check out:

- This Little Light (feat. Steve Fee & Mr. Versee). This song is downloadable from Amber Sky Records, album entitled: Living Inside Out. You can listen to it on YouTube at: This Little Light

- Fair trade recipes: Tradeaid.org.nz is a source of a great selection of fair trade recipes. Check out the lamingtons! You might like to make the sponge at home and leave the messy, sticky, icing rolling up to the kids.


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