Easter Grab It!

Easter Grab it!

A simple way to explore the Easter story together as a family, using things you can grab from around the house! 

You will need:

To begin:
To tell the story of Easter, send each member of the family on a mission to grab an item. Bring this item back to the kitchen table, ready to be used in the telling of the story. 

Grab It!
1. A leaf, small branch or twig
2. A rope, string or dressing gown tie
3. A bowl with water in it and a hand towel
4. A piece of fabric that you don’t mind being torn up (or a piece of black clothing)
5. A jar with a lid
6. Egg timer (or the stopwatch on your phone)
7. A flower from the garden (or click here for a virtual one)

When everyone is back from their ‘Grab it! mission’ begin the story.
**You could choose a different member of the family to read each section

**You could spread these readings out over the three days of Easter

Easter Grab It

1. Gethsemane:   Have someone hold up the leaf.
Say: The time had come for Jesus’ journey to end. He knew that death was near. So, he went to a garden filled with olive trees so he could pray to God for courage.
Read: Matthew 26: 36-39 (If you click on this link it will take you to an online Bible)

2. Jesus’ arrest:   Have someone hold up the rope.

3. Pilate washes his hands:   When you come to v24 have someone dip their hands in the bowl of water   and wash them.

4. Temple Curtain:   Have someone hold up the piece of fabric.  When v 51 is read (where the temple   curtain is torn),   have them tear the fabric in two.
Say: So Jesus, who was innocent, was put on a cross. This is how the Romans killed criminals.

5. The Tomb is sealed:   Have someone hold up the jar with the lid off. As you read v60 about the stone   being rolled over the entrance, put the lid on the jar. 

6. Waiting:   Set the timer for 30 seconds. Sit and watch it in silence.
Say: Jesus’ friends waited. They waited all day Saturday.

7. Jesus is alive!:   Have someone hold up the flower.
To finish, have someone open the lid of the jar. Dip it in the bowl of water to fill it, and put the flower in it. Place this somewhere in your home to remind you of the Easter story.
Say: Where there was death, Jesus brings new life. Where there was despair, Jesus brings hope.   Where there was sadness, Jesus brings joy.

Have someone pray a simple prayer to finish. Amen!

**Optional: Place all the objects on a small table with a Bible, so that members of the family can retell the story to each other at another time.


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