The Chronicles of Paki - Series Two

The programmes:

Click on the links below to access these programmes:
Book #6 -    Henry Williams the Peacemaker 
Book #7 -    Ngakuku, Tarore and the Little Book 
Book #8 -    Te Whiwhi, Katu and Te Wai Pounamu 
Book #9 -    Octavius Hadfield the Friend of the Tangata Whenua 
Book #10 -  Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi the King Maker

This programme is designed for 5—12 year olds, and it comes in five downloadable booklets that are free and easy to use. They are packed with great ideas to get your tamariki (children) excited about ‘The Chronicles of Paki’ and discover the stories for themselves. They will help you to dig deeper into how God has been at work in Aotearoa, New Zealand right from the very beginning.

This year we have built this programme around research conducted by David Csinos, a Canadian theologian. We love his approach, and it describes well the ways in which children experience and know God. You can read the whole story in his book: ‘Children’s Ministry that Fits’.

During a six-month research project that involved interviewing children about their spiritual lives, Csinos discovered four distinct yet overlapping ways for children to connect with God. He called these four ways of knowing God, spiritual styles. This curriculum is based on the four spiritual styles: WORD, EMOTION, SYMBOL and ACTION.
Each programme provides a focus on one of these styles to enable children and adults to think through and experience which styles they find fit best with their way of connecting with God.

Before you start:

Each one of these programmes will SOON available to download for free from . Simply follow the links above to access each programme and plenty of extra resources.  We recommend you start with the Building Blocks document. This gives all the background to the programme, how and why it was written, and some practical tips to get the most out of the material. 


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