Families Together...

"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers -
most of which are never even seen - don't you think he'll attend to you,
take pride in you, do his best for you?" Matthew 6 (The Message)

Welcome to this series of five devotions for families and households. These sessions are designed for all ages, and are simple to use. They don’t require lots of set up or materials, just you and your family. This series is specifically written for families confined to their homes during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2019-2020.

Each session includes:
- To do: a simple fun activity (no materials required)
- To talk about: a question to get the conversation started
- To explore: A short Bible passage to read, and an optional video clip to view
- To think about: something for the family to ponder
- To respond: choose from a few options (prayer ideas, a song to sing, an action)
- To pray: finish by praying a simple blessing together

This series is structured around the choices we can make during this time. Click on the titles below to view each session, or click here for the full file of all five sessions.

Fear v faith 


This series was written by Annette Osborne, Scripture Union International. Keep an eye out for Series Two coming soon... 


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