Developing young leaders

Do you have young leaders in your children's ministry team? These six strategies are gold! They come from a book called, 'Growing Young'. Have a look at this list. Which do you see operating in your church? Which could become a focus in the second half of this year? How might these six strategies change or strengthen the way you work alongside young leaders?

1. Unlock keychain leadership:
Instead of centralizing authority, empower others—especially young people.

2. Empathize with today’s young people:
Instead of judging or criticizing, step into the shoes of this generation.

3. Take Jesus’ message seriously:
Instead of asserting formulaic gospel claims, welcome young people into a Jesus-centered way of life.

4. Fuel a warm community:
Instead of focusing on cool worship or programs, aim for warm peer and intergenerational friendships.

5. Prioritize young people (and families) everywhere:
Instead of giving lip service to how much young people matter, look for creative ways to tangibly support, resource, and involve them in all facets of your congregation.

6. Be the best neighbors:
Instead of condemning the world outside your walls, enable young people to neighbor well locally and globally.

Growing Young


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