An Easter message from us to you...

“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”  -Jesus1
At the time Jesus spoke these words, the people around him were surprised and challenged by what he said. But it’s a long time since he said them, and over the years we have got used to hearing them. They have lost the impact they had for the people who first heard them.

But if we stop and hear them anew, we will find they continue to be meaningful. They contain a challenge for us too. We may not act as overtly as the disciples did when they pushed the children away, but there may be ways in which we are unintentionally keeping children from Jesus. How can we make sure we are helping children into the presence of Jesus so that they can meet with him for themselves, face to face?

This question is at the heart of all we do with our children and we need to keep it in mind as we plan and carry out our programmes. It is a particularly good question to keep in mind as Easter comes around again. At the commemoration of this important part of the Christian year how do we encourage our children to move past the excitement of the activities and eggs, and experience the fullness and depth of Easter for themselves? How do we inspire them to be fully involved in reflecting on the meaning of Easter? How do we help them spend time with God as they respond to the power of the Easter story in their own lives?

As you decide what you will do with your children at Easter, keep this question in mind. And as you do the crafts and activities with your children, allow time and space for their own questions and reflection. And most of all, pray for God to move in the children’s lives.

We are praying for you this Easter. May God bless you and your children.

Hilary Hague

Team leader, Children and Families


1. Matthew 19:14  NLT


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