
Showing posts from May, 2022

World Weekend of Prayer

Every year on the first weekend of June, Viva hosts a weekend of prayer for children around the world. This campaign unites hundreds of thousands of adults and children across more than 40 countries.  The next event takes place on 4-5 June 2022.  This year, the weekend falls on the same weekend as Pentecost. The theme is 'Stronger Together'. The Viva website has a range of resources in different languages, which are free to download.  Here's this year's resource in English.  

Moses on the Mountain

  The account of Moses on the Mountain in Exodus 33, is full of drama and suspense. It is a great story to tell with all the generations together. This intergenerational activity includes banners, thunder rolls and flashes of lightning! It really brings the story to life in a way that will involve everyone in your congregation. It also works well for community events, allowing the story to speak for itself. This intergenerational activity takes a bit of preparation, but it is well worth the effort. You will need to download the script from the link below. You will need:  Script Music: The Steward of Gondor ( Youtube clip ) A4 Cards: enough for 1 per 4 people 'I have carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself' 6 grey banners: one suggestion is to sew a length of grey fabric 2metres long by 50cm wide, with a sleeve to hold a length of dowel approx 80cm long. A quick alternative is to wave scarves. Choose blue or grey or black scarves if possible.  6 yellow stre...

WAY2GO 2022!

  Our first WAY2GO events have just happened. We gathered together kanohi ki te kanohi, face to face, to be inspired, challenged and equipped in our ministry with children. This word cloud shows some of the highlights from our Auckland South East event.  Why not come and join us at one of the 12 other events coming up soon?  Find out more at  Resources from the event