
Showing posts from April, 2015

Go Fish!

I have just created a quick game to play with my Bible in School's class tomorrow. It's a simple fishing game, ideal for my Year 1-2 class. I like to start my lesson with a bit of an activity to get the kids up and moving. This isn't always easy in a classroom with 30 children,  but it is worth it. You will need: Print out the sheet of fish ( use this image below or click here to email me and I will send you the file). Cut up the sheet so you have enough fish for 2 or 3 per child in your class. I found these images on Open Clipart, a free clipart site. Click here to check it out.    How to play the game: When you first arrive at your class hide the fish all around the classroom.  At the beginning of the lesson tell the children we are going fishing!  They need to go fishing around the classroom.  They can only find one fish at a time and bring it up to the front and blue tack it onto the whiteboard (or a sheet of paper with a net drawn on...